MetaMoJi Corp. Apps

MetaMoJi Extension Kit
MetaMoJi Corp.
MetaMoJi Extension Kit is a companion app of extended features forMetaMoJi Note and MetaMoJi Share. The app allows both apps toconvert a Microsoft Office file to PDF format so they can beimported into a note. In the future, more advanced functions willbe added to the app.MetaMoJi Note is a cross-platform note taking app, PDFannotation tool, and a digital scrapbook for your life. You cancapture your ideas visually with stylish pens and ink, take notes,or annotate imported PDF documents. MetaMoJi Note is a virtualwhiteboard for sketching, annotation, scrapbooking or digitalmashup. Premium upgrades include voice recording, handwritingrecognition and text conversion, automatic synchronization ofdocuments, and a shared drive. MetaMoJi Note is popular as apersonal productivity tool popular among students and teachers,families and business professionals.MetaMoJi Share allows groups to co-edit a document together inreal time over an interactive whiteboard. MetaMoJi Share is a groupcollaboration tool for dozens of participants to share notes and tovisually express their ideas in live interactive meetings online.With MetaMoJi Share, team managers can conduct projectcollaboration either in real time or as users “check in” to virtualmeeting sessions. Participants can join the meeting whenever theyopen the delivered “share note”, and their contributions will bedisplayed in real time. MetaMoJi Share is a group and teamproductivity tool which is wildly popular in classrooms, researchlabs, and among small business environments.Learn more about MetaMoJi Note and MetaMoJi Share:MetaMoJi Note: Share: us:
MetaMoJi Share
MetaMoJi Corp.
MetaMoJi Share allows groups to co-edit adocument together in real time over an interactive whiteboard.MetaMoJi Share is a group collaboration tool for dozens ofparticipants to share notes and to visually express their ideas inlive interactive meetings online. New audio recording featuresensure an accurate record of meeting minutes and offer an addedboost to group productivity. A handy chat feature makes it easy forsidebar conversations to take place without interrupting themeeting presenter.MetaMoJi Share allows meeting owners to distribute a “Share Note”to start a meeting. Anyone with the free version can open andparticipate in limitless Share sessions, but must upgrade to thepaid version after conducting or leading more than 10 meetings inthe trial version. Meeting participants can write comments, sketchdrawings or import photos and graphics to illustrate their ideas.Group presentation in MetaMoJi Share is lively and interactive:participants can even “Take Chair” to jump into the discussion whenthey are inspired to contribute their idea. With MetaMoJi Share,group productivity can be enhanced and ideas can more easily beexpressed. Auto synchronization features within the in-app cloudstorage (MetaMoJi Cloud and the new Media Server for voicerecording) will always ensure there is an accurate record of groupinteraction.With MetaMoJi Share, meeting participants can discuss withoutpaper, using their tablets or phones to write comments, remarks orcorrections on a note together. In a school setting, MetaMoJi Shareis a very effective tool for teachers to distribute lesson plansand oversee homework with their students. While the students workwith the material, the teachers can confirm their work and givethem any feedback in real time.MetaMoJi Share is based on MetaMoJi’s award-winning note taking app“MetaMoJi Note”. MetaMoJi Note is a personal productivity tool forPDF annotation, note taking and & vector graphic sketching onany platform. MetaMoJi Share is a group productivity app to enhanceconference calls with highly visual notes, sketches, and groupcompositions. You can combine handwritten or typed notes withphotos and graphics on various paper styles, add sketches anddrawings and audio recording to maintain a detailed record of allinteraction. Audio editing features include indexing audio segmentsto associated pages or group of objects within a document.When you purchase access to “Gold Service”, you will be an ownerand able to create and distribute share notes to participants. Youcan choose an appropriate volume option according to your desiredamount of meetings per month or per year.Premium FeaturesHandwriting Recognition - mazec 3 (13 languages)Converts handwritten text to typed text on the fly or later withthis conversion engine.Gold ServiceAllows you to make advanced use of the MetaMoJi Cloud and the appitself. It includes:- The Share Service which allows you to organize meetings[*1]- The Shared Drive capability allows co-editing of documents- Auto sync intervals to ensure your notes are always backedup- Additional storage for the MetaMoJi Cloud- Unlimited access to optional inks, premium items, papers and notestyles[*1] The app includes “1GB per month” during the validity of theGold Service subscription. A traffic extension plan to increase thenumber of meetings or additional bandwidth is available foradditional purchase.We’d love to hear your feedback and feature requests. Email us or join our community at
7notes with mazec for ONKYO 1.5.3
MetaMoJi Corp.
※オンキヨー社製スレートパッド「TA2C-A25T3H」以外の機種では、ご利用いただけません。■■「7notes with mazec for ONKYO」の主な機能■■<入力機能>・3つの入力方法(交ぜ書き変換・書き流し・ソフトキーボード)・8色4種類の太さのペン(書き流し入力時)・入力文字自動確定(入力侍ち時間設定可能)・書き流しの自動入力・あらかじめ書かれた手書き文字の「後から変換」<編集機能>・フォントやフォントサイズ等、細かな書式設定・左寄せ、右寄せ、センタリング・手書き/フォント文字の混在ドキュメントの作成・ストローク単位、文字単位の入力・編集・テンプレート・ギャラリーで四季折々の台紙の提供(随時更新予定)・写真・画像を背景に設定<連携機能>・各種アプリケーションとの連携・テキスト、イメージ、7notesドキュメントでの送信・twitter、Facebookへの投稿機能※ models Onkyo Corp.slatepad of "TA2C-A25T3H" other than,Not available.■■ main function of ■■ "7notes with mazec for ONKYO"• The (soft keyboard Kakinagashi conversion and write mix)Inputthree ways• The (input Kakinagashi) pen of thickness of the four8-color• The input character automatic confirm (input Samuraichitimeconfigurable)Automatic input of Kakinagashi· "After conversion from" handwritten characters writteninadvanceFont size such as fonts, minor formatting, Left-justified, right-justified, centering• Creating a mixed document handwritten / font characters• Input and edit stroke unit, in characters• In the Template Gallery provides Mount of four seasons (fromtimeto time update schedule)· Set the background photos and imagesAnd collaboration with various applications• Send text, image, in 7notes documentContribution function twitter, to Facebook
mazec for Business (Android) 2.00.2
MetaMoJi Corp.
「mazec for Business(Android)」は、法人のお客様向け製品です。ライセンスコード(年額2,000円)をご購入いただくことで、ご利用いただくことができます。 ■ スマートデバイス上の業務システムやメールなど様々なアプリケーションにて手書き入力ができます。  「mazec for Business (Android)」は、IMEとして動作します。 ■ スタイラスペンや指による直感的な操作が可能  タブレット上で、紙にペンで文字を書くように手書きで直感的に文字入力を行うことができます。 ■ ペーパーレス化を実現  クレジットカードやポイントカードの会員申込、建設現場・工場現場での点検業務などの  ペーパーレス化の実現に必須です。「mazecの特徴」・高い文字認識変換精度&リアルタイム変換スピード・手書き文字認識と、かな漢字変換および推測変換による効率的な文字入力を実現します。・漢字・かな交じりの手書き文字でも漢字のみに変換できる「交ぜ書き」変換機能を搭載 例) 「会ぎ」→「会議」、「決さい」→「決済」など、・医療やエンジニアリングなど、専門用語を追加し専用辞書を作れます。「法人向け機能」・かな漢字変換対応ソフトウェアキーボードの搭載 手書き入力に加えて、かな漢字変換ができるQWERTY配列のキーボードを搭載。・イメージ入力機能 手書きしたイメージをそのままに入力することができます。署名などに利用できます。・アプリケーション連携 お客様が開発するアプリケーションから「mazec」の動作を制御することができます。 例) 入力モードの指定や認識文字種の指定など・異体字のサポート 姓名の異体字をサポートしています。 「渡辺」と手書きすると「渡辺」の他に「渡邊」「渡邉」「渡部」などが候補に表示されます。"Mazec forBusiness(Android)" is the Products for Companies.License code (annual 2,000 yen) it is possible to purchase, andwillbe able to get available.■ I can handwriting input in a variety of applications suchasbusiness systems and e-mail on the smart device."Mazec for Business (Android)" works as IME.■ can be intuitive operation by stylus pen or fingerOn the tablet, you will be able to carry out the intuitivecharacterinput by hand to write a letter with a pen on paper.■ Achieve paperlessCredit card and point card membership application of, suchasinspection work in construction sites and factories siteIt is essential to the realization of paperless."Characteristic of mazec"· High character recognition conversion accuracy andreal-timeconversion speed· And handwriting recognition, providing an efficientcharacterinput by the kana-kanji conversion and guessconversion.· Kanji can be converted only in Chinese characters in KanaandPepper handwritten letter "mix writing" with theconversionfunctionExample) "Kai technique" → "conference", such as "determined Sai"→"settlement",- Such as medical and engineering, you can make the addeddedicateddictionary terminology."Corporate function"-Kana-kanji conversion equipped with the correspondingsoftwarekeyboardIn addition to the handwriting input, with a QWERTY keyboardthatcan kana-kanji conversion.Image input functionYou can enter the handwriting was the image intact. I can use,suchas the signature.Applications cooperationCustomers will be able to control the operation of the "mazec"fromthe application to be developed.Example) designation of specified and recognized character typesofinput mode, etc.-Variant character of supportI support the first and last name of the variant character.Such as when handwriting as "Watanabe" in addition tothe"Watanabe", "Watanabe", "Watanabe", "Watanabe" is displayed onthecandidate.
Medical mazec for Business 2.00.3
MetaMoJi Corp.
「Medical mazec for Business(Android)」は、法人のお客様向け製品です。ライセンスコード(年額6,500円)をご購入いただくことで、ご利用いただくことができます。 ■ スマートデバイス上の業務システムやメールなど様々なアプリケーションにて手書き入力ができます。  「Medical mazec for Business (Android)」は、IMEとして動作します。 ■ スタイラスペンや指による直感的な操作が可能  タブレット上で、紙にペンで文字を書くように手書きで直感的に文字入力を行うことができます。 ■ ペーパーレス化を実現  電子カルテなどの医療システムから、訪問看護や訪問調剤などの在宅医療まで  あらゆる医療現場システムにおける医療用語の入力を手書き文字認識で効率よくおこなうことができます。  「mazecの特徴」・高い文字認識変換精度&リアルタイム変換スピード・手書き文字認識と、かな漢字変換および推測変換による効率的な文字入力を実現します。・漢字・かな交じりの手書き文字でも漢字のみに変換できる「交ぜ書き」変換機能を搭載 例) 「会ぎ」→「会議」、「決さい」→「決済」など、「医療版の特徴」・20万語以上の医療用語を収録・難しい医療用語が書けなくても交ぜ書き変換で漢字入力ができます。 例)「骨ずい」と書くと「骨髄」と変換されます。・長い医療用語も推測変換機能で簡単に入力することができます。 例)「糖にょう」と書くと、「糖尿黄斑症」や「糖尿黄斑浮腫」などが表示されます。・病名・医薬品名・看護症状所見用語・手術処置検査用語・歯科用語・医療関連用語など各医療分野を網羅しています。「法人向け機能」・かな漢字変換対応ソフトウェアキーボードの搭載 手書き入力に加えて、かな漢字変換ができるQWERTY配列のキーボードを搭載。・イメージ入力機能 手書きしたイメージをそのままに入力することができます。署名などの入力に利用できます。・アプリケーション連携 お客様が開発するアプリケーションから「mazec」の動作を制御することができます。 例) 入力モードの指定や認識文字種の指定など・異体字のサポート 姓名の異体字をサポートしています。 「渡辺」と手書きすると「渡辺」の他に「渡邊」「渡邉」「渡部」などが候補に表示されます。 
MetaMoJi TV Official App 2 1.1.0
MetaMoJi Corp.
This is the applicaiton for MetaMoJi TVinJapanese.Available only in Japanese language.
MetaMoJi TV Official App (Old) 1.0.0
MetaMoJi Corp.
This is the applicaiton for MetaMoJi TVinJapanese.Available only in Japanese language.
MetaMoJi Note for Business 3
MetaMoJi Corp.
MetaMoJi Note for Business is an all in one productivity app forbusiness use.
7notes with mazec-10day trial 1.14.0
MetaMoJi Corp.
================================<<<      THIS APPLICATION IS JAPANESE ONLY      >>>================================The most powerful handwriting recognition to your smatphone forfree!You can use full features for a ten-day free trial period.Even after the expiration, you can continue to use it as ahandwriting note-taking app.Please note====================================================We have some reports that registration is failed on some devicemodels after installing the trial version.If you fail to register, please try it again using WIFI.Or try the registration using the 3G connection while setting WIFION.================================================================A popular note-taking app "7notes" in the iOS version has been wellreceived for the speed and accuracy of handwritingrecognition.The Android version of "7notes" is now available as a handwritinginput app for the Android OS.The app can be used for a variety of applications such as e-mail,Twitter, and Evernote.You can try full features within 10 days.The notes and dictionaries that you have created in the trialversion will be able to migrate to the product (paid)version.In addition, after the expiration, you can continue to use it as ahandwriting note-taking app for free.(If you wish to continue using handwriting recognition, pleasepurchase the product version.)■ ■ 7 features of "7notes with mazec" ■ ■(1) Amazing speed and accuracy of conversion7notes can convert your handwriting to text with speed and accuracythat you have never experienced.This feature will make you free from annoying small keyboard orflick input to provide a comfortable input environment.(2) Conversion of mixed Kanjis and HiraganasWriting Hiraganas can be recognized as complicated Kanjis.For example, writing "Kaigi" ("kai" in Kanji and "gi" in Hiragana)can be converted to "meeting".The feature will guide you to a stress-free inputenvironment.(3) Cross application handwriting recognition availableThe handwriting recognition can be used within other Androidapplications such as e-mail, Twitter, blogging apps, thanks to themazec technology (available as a Japanese IME).(4) Convert handwritten notes to digital text on-demandYour handwritten letters can be converted to digital textlater.This feature is very effective when you take a note at ameeting.(5) Seamless editing for handwriting and digital textIn 7notes, you can enter both handwritten letters and font textseamlessly.(6) Connect to other applicationsYou can easily export notes to e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, and otherapplications such as Evernote.The Evernote Enhancement add-on (paid) will allow you to load andstore a note in Evernote.(7) MushroomsThe app also supports mushrooms which are familiar inAndroid.You can use a variety of mushroom apps such as pictograms, symbols,and e-mail addresses.■ ■ How to Use ■ ■Install the trial version of "7notes with mazec" and start theapp.Then set up "mazec Conversion" following instructions on thescreen.The following online manual is available:■ ■ Operating Conditions ■ ■Conform your device model and installation conditions for "7noteswith mazec".■ ■ License Agreement ■ ■Read carefully the "License Agreement" before you purchase.*If you download the app, you will be deemed to have accepted theterms of the License Agreement.■ ■ Notes ■ ■- This application is a trial version available within 10days.- You can check the full features before purchase.- After the expiration, the handwriting recognition cannot be used.However, you can continue to use the other features.
MetaMoJi Share for Business 3
MetaMoJi Corp.
MetaMoJi Share for Business allows groups to collaborate on notesin real-time.
Palu - Shared Handwriting Calendar - 3.2.2
MetaMoJi Corp.
Palu is a shared handwriting calendar app and service. Theappallows you to connect with your friends and familythroughhandwritten notes and pictures. It is free withoutregistration.Features: - No need to register with your emailaddress or provideany personal information! - Paste images andwrite whatever youwant on your calendar - More colorful calendarsusing “Stamps” -Share your calendar simply and easily with friendsand family - Twomodes of sharing: view only and full access - Threecalendarsavailable for free - Cut and paste to move, copy and pastetoduplicate daily content Usage: - Mom can use her home iPad towritethe night's schedule and Dad can check it on his iPhone orAndroiddevice. - Couples can share their work shifts and plan theirnextget-together. - Band members can arrange their practice daysandtheir live event schedule. - Paste one picture of your kids perdayon the calendar to make it easy to see how much they grow eachday.Other uses are infinite and up to you! Notes When Sharing: -Pleasetake note that when sharing your Palu calendar, it is madepublicto everyone who receives the invitation email (includingthose towhom it was forwarded). - By turning sharing off, the dataisdeleted from the server and will no longer be shared.
mazec3 Handwriting Recognition
MetaMoJi Corp.
"mazec3" offers you handwriting input as an alternative toyourkeyboard within any app on your device. If you want to writeanemail, make a social post or quickly jot your notes,mazec3handwriting input technology offers you a speedy alternativetohandwrite the message instead of using a keyboard. mazec3offersextremely accurate handwriting recognition and predictivetext tointelligently guess your handwriting on the fly. It evenallows youto enrich the dictionary with your own favorite terms andphrases,or your favorite URL’s and email addresses. When usedinconjunction with MetaMoJi Note or MetaMoJi Share, mazec alsooffersa very convenient handwriting conversion option to convertinput totext as a batch at a later time. mazec3 saves you timewritingemails, notes and social posts. Instead of fumbling with akeyboard(which often causes you to use both hands), with mazec3 allinputcan be completed with the touch of a finger. Mazec3provideshandwriting conversion while you are on the go. Itsadvancedtechnology is due to vast semantic databases built overMyScript,the world leader in handwriting recognition technology.There are 3modes of operation in mazec: [Stroke mode] Handwrittenletters areentered as they are. The letters can be converted intotext later.[Convert mode] Handwritten letters are converted intotext andentered on the fly. This mode is available for MetaMoJi'sapps.[Keyboard mode] Font letters are entered with a softwareqwertykeyboard. This mode is useful for adding your own words tothemazec dictionary for later re-use mazec3 features include: 1.Themost advanced experience for real-time conversion of handwritingtotext, due to MyScript , the leader of handwritingrecognitiontechnology. 2. Extremely accurate predictive text duetonatively-authored dictionaries of technical terms andpopularphraseology 3. Auto and manual learning dictionary Mazec3canintelligently “learn” frequently used phrases automatically.Youcan also ”teach” mazec3 to memorize short sentences, such as"TYVM"to "Thank you very much" and allows you to customize theuserdictionary to your own favorite phrases 4. HandwritingInputavailable to all applications on the device Because mazec3iswritten as an input method to Android, it acts as analternativekeyboard within any application on the device thataccepts input.5. Handwriting Emails and Social Posts Mazec3 makeswriting emails,blogs and social posts quick and fun and saves youtime 6.Handwrite Google Searches With the mazec3, browsing theinternetand conducting Google searches has never been easier 7.Quicklyfill out web forms and important documents online Withmazec3, itbecomes extremely easy and quick to fill out webforms andcriticaldocuments online, thus saving time from printing PDF filesandscanning to be sent back * This is the Englishhandwritingrecognition app. * Handwriting recognition add-ons forFrench,German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Dutch,Polish,Japanese, Chinese (Simplified & Traditional), and Koreanareavailable as in-app-billing apps. * If you have “7noteswithmazec”, you don’t have to purchase this app for theEnglishhandwriting recognition.EULA:
MetaMoJi Note Lite
MetaMoJi Corp.
Award winning cross platform note taker, sketchbook and whiteboard
MetaMoJi Note
MetaMoJi Corp.
Capture Your Inspiration. Take a Note of Anything, Anywhere withMetaMoJi Note.
MetaMoJi Note Business Lite
MetaMoJi Corp.
MetaMoJi Note for Business Lite is a productivity app for businessuse.
mazec3 (jp) -Handwriting
MetaMoJi Corp.
The best Japanese handwriting input "mazec3"
MetaMoJi ClassRoom
MetaMoJi Corp.
ClassRoom helps educators use technology to enhance the learningexperience.
MetaMoJi Corp.
The easiest to use with a high degree of accuracy most. Handwritinginput of the strongest "mazec" appeared as a single input system atlast!